Excellent example of how media can be used for community development

Nirasha produced 3 live discussions regarding issues faced by transgender community in polling centers. As a result of a those productive discussions, for the first time in history, the Election Commission changed the rules and regulations to make it easier for the transgender people to vote June 2020.

Issues and harassments face by transgender community in voting centers in Sri Lanka(July 2020: Following the publication of this news, for the first time in history, the Election Commission changed the rules and regulations to make it easier for the transgender people to vote.

Link : to success story - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEBEdqdJPEg&t=2s

International Research Exchange Board wrote an appreciation article about this investigative report:

Link : https://www.irex.org/success-story/supporting-transgender-sri-lankans-civic-participation-through-independent-journalism

Nirasha Piyawadani

During the last 10 years of my professional career, I worked as a journalist for a diverse range of media platforms — Print, web, web TV and social media as w